Our Stories > Ben Rutter - FinTech

Ben Rutter Caspian One career interview.png

Ben Rutter

  • Joined as a recruiter in 2011

  • Today, Co-Head of the UK FinTech division

  • Responsible for business development, client engagement initiatives & KDB requirements

  • [Interviewed April 2020 - in celebration of Ben’s 9-year anniversary]


What was your path into recruitment - how did you get started?

I hadn't planned on building a career in this industry. Still, recruitment was something I was always interested in - just because of the interaction with people and also, I like the idea of helping people realise their full potential. Maximising what their total worth is, what they know, and leveraging that in the market.

I wouldn't say the choice was a career aspiration at the time, I didn't say as a kid "I want to be a recruitment consultant" - it was just, the opportunity arose, and I took it with both hands.

You came to recruitment as a graduate; what were you studying?

I did Marketing and Finance at Bournemouth University. Originally I had planned to finish my education after my A-levels and get into the 'working world'. However, I quickly realised that the opportunities in my hometown were limited and also, the recession had just hit - so the market was even smaller.

That first year in recruitment, what was it like for you?

I certainly realised that recruitment is not a job, it's a lifestyle. Marcus echoed that in my first week; the most successful people who get the most out of the job, are the folks that live it, breathe it and really enjoy the social interaction, bespoke business hours and opportunity to build your own business within an organisation. That first year was definitely a rollercoaster - from what my perception of recruitment would have been compared to what it actually is. The level of dedication needed to be successful became quickly very, very apparent. It was definitely a baptism of fire experience.

Let's look at your Caspian One story

- where did you start, what have you done and where are you now?

So, I started at Caspian One working as a permanent only recruiter focusing on data warehousing, a long-standing client approached us with a need for kdb+/Q. This was a completely new technology that we hadn't had experience with and as it didn’t sit within anyone’s core-vertical I was tasked with finding the right person.

KDB has remained my focus, and become the technology I'm most reputable in. I won't go into the specifics of all the clients I've supported and careers I've optimised, but being Caspian One's highest sales performer for more than half a decade is something I'm very proud of.

In nine years, I've grown and nurtured an intricate global network, including many of the financial technology markets most senior, experienced and capable professionals. That in itself is very rewarding.

In my time at Caspian One I've had four promotions, delivered across three different continents, had twins, got married, Brexit, IR35… and now a global pandemic. My only regret is that I can't do it all over again.

I'm very grateful to such an amazing organisation that put people at the very forefront of all their decision making. Caspian One is very adaptive, agile, and it has a strong moral compass - which is important to me and has been a primary reason for my nine-year tenure. I genuinely believe these are the reasons behind their past and future success.

Certainly, on an average working week, you spend more time at work than you do at home, which is made so much easier when colleagues turn to friends and friends into family.

I'm just really grateful for the opportunity I've been granted, and for them seeing the raw potential in a 'wet behind the ears' graduate!

Why are the people and our culture at Caspian One, so vital to you?

In a recruitment business, your most prized asset is the market network, knowledge and relationships of recruiters; being able to leverage such a vast amount of experience in one organisation. In addition, being able to approach anyone no matter of seniority or length of service, knowing that they will truly help to the best of their abilities - is refreshing.

How has a career at Caspian One impacted your larger world, beyond the business?

It's afforded me a standard of living that would be otherwise unobtainable in many other industries, being unique in that - what you put in is what you get out (with no glass ceilings). It has also allowed me to meet people from all over the world, experiencing new cultures, ways of working and business relationships. Most rewardingly, it's enabled me to help real people flourish in their careers. I have been here for close to a decade now and a lot of 'junior' people I placed nine years ago are now running large teams and various other things.

From that experience then, what would you say to other recruiters or people new to the industry; what advice would you share on building a successful career?

The thing about recruitment is, you need to understand that you can't control everything. You can do your best to do the best job possible, but when you're dealing with people, it opens up different challenges as well as opportunities for success. So brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster and know that no matter what happens, it will all get better. No bad times can last forever.

When dealing with people the only thing for sure is unpredictability. Just trust in the company and those senior people that you surround yourself with. Know that they will steer you in the right direction and give you the best advice - because they've lived it.