Collaboration during the project discovery phase is key to creating a clear road map.

Bringing fresh players onto a pitch means that opportunities aren’t missed. One of the benefits of external expertise is the capability to spot potential wins that might have otherwise not been realised.

A tier-one telecommunications client commissioned us to deliver an automated test infrastructure project, relating to their broadband services.

We were in the process of revolutionising testing capabilities related to broadband routers - using modern continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) practices.

Expanding on the live project’s modernisation and automation themes, a discovery exercise highlighted mobile voice testing capabilities that would also require automating and future-proofing.

The client needed to run various tests on third-party appliances to ensure they were working properly when connected to a router. Each unique device has its own nuances, which would require different scripts and applied testing methods.

The client was struggling to find the necessary skills internally and wanted to avoid offshoring the work. As such, we worked with them to define a sidekick project tied to the existing engagement. Both projects are on track for completion in early 2023, with further automation initiatives on the horizon.

Initially, the client requested objectives at a high level. In collaboration with our Project Hub, we refined these objectives into crystal clear milestones – whilst taking over accountability for project tracking, management and reporting. Bi-weekly RAG status updates were introduced, and keynote sessions with stakeholders and delivery resources enabled us to quickly make progress without concerns or blockers.

Bringing in this level of granularity enabled our resources to operate productively in a non-chaotic environment. This was recognised by the client stakeholders, who’ve since embraced this highly organised methodology.


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Caspian One

At Caspian One we are partnering with clients to overcome their capability acquisition challenges - offering dynamic engagement models for full-time and contingent hiring, strategically managed consultancy and outcome-led projects.

The beauty of technology is seen in its ability to grant greater connectivity than ever before.


Legacy technologies can limit a bank’s ability to remain competitive in new markets.