IBC 2017 | Why we’re attending?

IBC, Europe's leading broadcast industry convention, returns this September following its record year in 2016 - which brought together over 55,000 attendees.

With just a few weeks to go Caspian One are excited to be returning to Amsterdam, with tickets booked and diaries quickly filling up. For our recruiters, IBC provides the perfect opportunity to develop and reinforce international relationships. Caspian One is hiring across Europe, with a particular focus on manufacturers, vendors, broadcasters and service providers in Germany, Holland and the UK - alongside cable companies, IPTV and OTT operators throughout the continent.

During IBC Caspian One will be meeting with friends old and new. Conversations will normally range from career assessments and interviews with European candidates to discussions with clients around new projects and their future hiring needs.

Beyond the social aspect, IBC is also an important learning opportunity for Caspian One recruiters. There's no other event in Europe that provides such a huge insight into the broadcast world, its latest movements, growth areas and upcoming trends.

If you are planning to attend IBC this year and would like to discuss your hiring needs or career progression, simply email broadcast@caspianone.co.uk or call +44 (0) 1202 979700 to book a meeting.

Caspian One

At Caspian One we are partnering with clients to overcome their capability acquisition challenges - offering dynamic engagement models for full-time and contingent hiring, strategically managed consultancy and outcome-led projects.




Caspian One welcomes Ralph!